History of Marine Art

6 months

1 in total

20 Multiple Choice Questions

About the Course
In this course, we embark on a voyage through time and creativity, exploring the profound influence of the sea on the history of art. Providing students with an appreciation of marine and maritime art from its origins in the Ancient World through to the 21st century.
The online course consists of 1 module that must be completed within 6 months. The module features extensive examples of marine art from across the world and throughout recorded history and 20 multiple choice questions which you are expected to pass by 70%.
On successful completion of the module you will be rewarded with a Certificate in ‘History of Marine Art’

Module includes
- Marine vs Maritime Art: A Thematic Approach
- Maritime Beginnings
- The Early Modern Period
- Seas of Nations
- Maritime Art in the British Isle
Meet the Course Author
Edina Eszenyi
Edina Eszenyi holds a PhD in Medieval and Early Modern Studies from the University of Kent Canterbury, United Kingdom (UK); a Postgraduate Research MA in Medieval Studies from Central European University; and MA diplomas in Art History and English Studies from the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Hungary. She is currently Lecturer at HEI Pegaso International Malta – Pegaso University Naples, Italy; where she conducts courses in Ecology, General Didactics, and Italian Art and Cultural Heritage. She is also working as Expert Witness at the Office of the State Attorney General (Avvocatura Generale dello Stato) in Rome, where she assists the defence of Italy before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Previously, she was Resident Art Historian at Rome Art Program, a New York-based, international HE art education programme; and she gave various courses in English Studies at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University. She is currently participating in the Council of Europe Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals training programme.
Edina’s fascination with the sea goes back to early childhood readings; a decade spent by the Italian sea; her combined professional interests in art, water ecology, and maritime law; and her PhD research project, which analysed an Early Modern manuscript from the Republic of Venice. Accordingly, she has spent longer research stays in Venice, Verona, and Rome; and been awarded further fellowships in Norway and the USA, among others. The sea and human-animal coexistence with the sea has thus become a constantly recurring topic in her career and personal life and made her a devoted supporter of marine conversation projects. She is proud adoptive mother of the oceanic manta ray “George the Giant” (Mobula birostris MV-MB-0537) within the framework of The Maldives Manta Conservation Programme.


While the nature of distance learning is independent study, we recognise the importance of support. Students can contact us at any time during their course for assistance and our team of industry experts are always on hand for advice.

We have over 50 industry experts writing, developing and advising on our course material. We truly believe that allowing students to tap into their expertise and knowledge is of the utmost importance to fulfil your dream career.
If you would prefer to complete this as a classroom-based course, please contact us.
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