The benefits of studying a maritime course online

Mar 17, 2023

In a recent poll, we learned that 84% of our Linked In followers have studied via distance learning. The reason for this? It’s flexible, convenient and usually far more cost effective than in person learning. We also found that while 63% of our followers usually study at home, 23% study on board, highlighting one of the key reasons why the Maritime Training Academy’s online diplomas are suited to those learning while working.

Benefits to studying online

Here at the Maritime Training Academy all of our diplomas, short courses and certificates are available via distance learning.

Convenient. Distance learning allows you to learn from anywhere you choose – home, work or on-board

Immediate. Online training enables you to start a new course when it suits you

Flexibility. You decide when it is convenient to study. First thing in the morning, late at night, at the airport, offshore, no problem! You can make your own schedule

Affordable. According to studies, you can save 50%-70% of training expenses through distance learning due to the elimination of travel costs

Adaptable. Online classes benefit different learning styles. Working by yourself allows you to work at your own speed

Better Retention. Studies show that engaging, interactive, online training can increase learner retention by more than 70%

Relevant. All courses are kept up to date, ensuring accuracy and relevancy


Despite learning online, we ensure no student ever feels like they are left to their own devices to study. Course tutors are heavily involved with students’ learning, in addition to this we have a number of student forums and alumni groups where you can share ideas, questions and interests.

Interested in furthering your career with the Maritime Training Academy? Take a look at our courses or get in touch with the team today!