Insight – Studying in the LNG Shipping industry

May 19, 2021

Maritime Training Academy spoke to Kevin Brensinger, Marine Coordinator at the nations largest LNG export facility, Cheniere. He gave us the low down on what it’s like studying and working in the LNG Shipping industry, and how it has helped his career.


Tell us a bit about what you do and how did you get into the industry?

I’m currently a Marine Coordinator at the nations largest LNG export facility, Cheniere. I coordinate the vessels arrival, connection, loading, disconnection, and departure. Among a myriad of other things, but those are my primary job functions.


What do you enjoy about your job?

I enjoy working with such a diverse group of people, especially the Mariners. The network and lifelong relationships I’ve made over the last few years in this industry has been amazing.


Has your job been affected by Covid and if so how?

It has unfortunately. Due to Covid, we’ve minimized face to face meetings with our customers as well as our co-workers. Learning to do a hands-on role virtually has been a tall hurdle, but Mariners are known to adapt and overcome!


What made you choose to study with Maritime Training Academy and how does the LNG Shipping Diploma help in your line of work?

I retired from the US Coast Guard with lots of maritime experience, but no LNG experience. I went from being the weakest link in my department, to basically one of the front-runners for a supervisory role because of my gained knowledge along with my work ethic. I was able to quickly catch up with people in my department with years of LNG shipping experience. Included in that were some former LNG Carrier Captains.


Tell us a fun fact about yourself…

I’m currently taking courses for my Masters Degree in Port and Terminal Management, as well as becoming a Helicopter Pilot.

What can someone expect to learn from an LNG Shipping course?

The course consists of 13 modules, providing a comprehensive overview of the following subjects:

  • Introduction To Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers
  • International Code For The Construction & Equipment Of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases In Bulk (IGC CODE)
  • LNG Carrier Design And Construction
  • LNG Containment Systems
  • Carrier Propulsion Systems
  • LNG Cargo Operations
  • Custody Transfer
  • LNG Accidents
  • LNG Ship Management
  • Flag and Port State Control
  • LNG Ship Inspections
  • Fire Fighting on LNG Ships
  • Classification Societies And LNG Carriers


Written by industry experts, this course is ideal for those wanting to get into the industry as well as those looking to expand their knowledge including Captains, Engineers, Navigators, Superintendents, Shipping Company Technical Staff, Ship Inspectors, Flag Administrations, Ship Yards, Repair Yards, Suppliers, Educators, Trainers and Manufacturers.

Download the full course brochure here

Or, for more information email or call +44(0)1252 739777.